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Excellence In Achievement

What is it?

The Excellence in Achievement (EA) Award recognizes participating Business Leagues in good standing for their accomplishments and activities that fulfill the Council Mission Statement, involve and promote the American Business Women's Association, and drive the ABWA brand recognition throughout the community.

2020 Guidelines


Month of Activity/Contributions ......................................Submission Due Date


October 2019 - December 2020 ....................................... January 10, 2020

January 2020 - March 2020 ............................................... April 11, 2020

April 2020 - June 2020 ........................................................ July 11, 2020

July 2020 - September 2020 ............................................. October 10, 2020

October 2020 - December 2020 ...................................... January 9, 2021



  1. Member Presidents submit local league, Council, and/or National ABWA accomplishments, community contributions, educational support, and/or charitable volunteer activities during the quarter prior to the award submission month. 

  2. Members may provide supplementary materials supporting their achievements such as images, web links, promotional materials, social media, etc.

  3. Submissions for the current award period are based on the previous quarter achievements.

  4. Using the Houston Area Council of ABWA (HACA) EA Form, submissions are sent electronically to the Council Vice Chair. The 2020 Vice Chair is Sherilyn Hancock (

  5. Each Business League is limited to the Excellence in Achievement Award once per HACA calendar year.

  6. Members may receive up to $25 discount on their league membership depending on available funds.

  7. The Excellence in Achievement Award discounts are non-transferable and applied towards the recipient league's membership dues in the following year.

Houston Area Council

The Houston Area Council of ABWA (HAC) is an umbrella that covers all of Houston, over to Victoria, and up to Bryan/College Station. As a member of any local leagues or as a National member, the HAC is a key resource to everyone! 


Phone: ‪(832) 819-2558

For More Information

Thanks for submitting!



January 8

April 8

July 8 

October 7

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